Neverending Story [Game]

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by AGAG » Wed May 16, 2012 5:39 am

I don't know if I.. :lol: :lol:

Instantly the poet pistola was on the ground and watched as the wolves fought tenderly for the coveted lap-seat. It was, after all, very cold outside and the sun watched his arm-watch, impatient for the dusk. Arriving to distant Finland was too much of a far-fetched idea in this conditions. It was getting frigid, also. Freckle had the most courageous idea, a stroke of genius, a master brain-ejacul: "WE will stay here and live with the wolves, by the fierce steppe, under the star sheets. And our souls will only dictate our march, the wolves the direction of our food. We will not forget any fruit." That she declared, with the most flagrant smile while stroking a blunt yet gentle muzzle, who dabbled in search for a thin hand. The slender yet puffy specimen (i.e. wolf, not freckle) was on his back, yapping for more stroke and the poet could not help to be moved by the image that was taking on the most beautiful passage-seat to exist upon those unimpeached regions.

"It is settled then! I will erect the yurt, I happen to have a rather reliable manual on yurt construction on the trunk. If we begin now..."
"By thunder! Silly poet.. Don't bother with such a task. The wolves will guide us to their home. Their furpuff will become our pillows, their thick tails our sheets to oversleep in. They have told me this."
"They have? I haven't heard a thing!"
"Salvadoreans don't know how to translate the yaps. It is quite laborious but you'll get the gist in no time. Look! his tail is telling us the way. Let's follow and keep the pace of their footpads."

So they did. They left the unusable red vehicle lying there, as an open carcass, in the unbearable wait for the crow. The poet carried his mango bag on his back and followed Freckle who rode a wolf and seemed very content with her new friends. He wasn't really accustomed with those furry guys by the name of "wolves", he loved dogs but these were of a much more large and he was rather ignorant on their mating techniques. He trusted freckle, though, and he followed through the snowy fields, while the sun arrived in the other-wordly flowerbed. Half-a-circle nightingale.

They arrived in quite a pleasant cave, to the poets surprise, which was inexplicably warm and and.. Good gravy! a lit computer was on the back of the very depths of the cave, assumably with decent wifi coverage. The heating was coming from some man-made crevices and a voice said to them, breathing on their necks "10 krones per person minimum. Put your wet dogs on a fucking leash, please....

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by Stratowarius » Wed May 16, 2012 8:32 am

:lol: :lol: Oh I think you know...

"Grrrr, grrrr" muttered the two wolves, "This is our cave and you are trying to charge us for entering our own home. Shame on you! Grrr"!

The Kroneman backed. "Sorry, sorry, I am an unsuccessful kraschna-gangsta with 16 children and three wives, so I must try to get a krona here and there. And now it is here, in this cosy wolf-den".

"Grrr, but out of my sight, before I stew you with garlic and red onions. No not red onions, by the way, I need them for my muffins".

"Huh! MUFFINS? Freckle looked at the beautiful animal, that had carried her through the wood. MUFFINS? How? What? Are you the Baker? A wolfie"?

"Jaja, you ignorant fool. You ought to have understood that long ago. I had to protect you and got a wolf-pill from your father from Berlin. The problem is that I have to be a wolf untill he has invented an anti-wolf-dote"!

"But, but vojne vojne of course I love you, whatever you are but it is a bit inconvenient to kiss you and...

"Jaja, I must take care, so I don't chew on you...

"Huhu"! said the Poet, " And I that played with the thought of raping you. Huh"!

"That would have been very unhealthy for you dear", said the wolf with a grin.

The Kroneman was bigeyed and astonished, "You are a wolf that can kiss girls and bake muffins. I have never...

But I can also eat Kronemen, if I am really hungry. Grrrr! They are number 4 on the wolfmeny.

The Kroneman was out of the cave before anyone could blink.

Butt, butt, the other very fat wolf was a little grumpy.

"I will have some steaks NOW! Or liver! It is my absolute CLAIM! CAPISCE!


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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by ÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖ » Thu May 17, 2012 1:00 pm


"But Arnold, you are a wolf now and you have to go out and hunt living steaks"!

"Hu, must I? Can I take that Kraschna-gangsta that was here. He looked steaky"?

"Jaja, It is your choice. But he may have some kalashnicows in his back-pocket".

And as if arranged, they could hear "Ratatatata" outside the cave. It was the micromoskowpockapoos that demonstrated their power, and a voice was heard.

"Come out with your paws over your head, we will not kill you, only put you in circus, since you can fuck girls and bake muffins. You will be a world-sensation".

"Pffff", said fat Arnold, (Yes it was really him. He had as a good partner, to the Baker, also taken a wolfpill. HUH) "Circus? Yes why not? It can't be worse than this shitty cave without steaks. They must have animalfeeding in Circus, so I am out of here".

Freckle and the Poet understood, that they had to obey, so they went out first and the two wolves trotted after them. But the Micromoskowpockapoos weren't interested in humans, because they didn't understand, that it was the Poet, that had killed the two gangstas. They thought that he was a professional animaltamer and worthy of admiration.

"Hi there Animal-treater", said one of them. "You have done a great job with those two wolves, even if one of them has to loose some weight. We have a zoo-circus here in Micromoskowpockapoo and hope that you will show us some of your masterpieces there.

The Poet saw the opportunity and made some theatrical gestures. "Taramtaram",he said and turned to the wolves. "So Wolfies, jump and laugh, jump and laugh. Let us see your dangerous teeth!

Arnold and the Baker glared gloveringly. "Grrrrrr"

But they jumped as best they could, and showed all their glistening and carious-free teeth, in some sort of laugh. HUH!

The Micromoskowpockapoos applauded. They were very delighted.

But Wolf-Arnold muttered behind all his scary, rapacious, predatory-animal-teeth, "You will pay for this, Poet. Wait and see. I can eat scrawny El Salvador-poets too...

And and

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by AGAG » Thu May 17, 2012 3:39 pm

They shot some powerful sedatives to tame Arnold and his hunger. There he rested, on a straw bag and they carried it to a circus with all the other wolves, snoring pretty lowdly. But! they didn't stop there. They had many tranquilizer-Kalashnikovs and they used them indiscriminately, after all, they were russians and liked to clap and play piano and shoot kalashnikovs first thing in the morning. The elephant/horse sedatives reached the poet by a very unfortunate accident and Freckle got a sting when trying to protect her dear poet friend. They were put in the same duffel bag by the laughing russkies. The lights went out really slowly and they didn't say goodbye and...

"I cannot playfight like this. How bold the waxwing to sing on this day. Because it is a horrible they, that tied us here. Hear the soul meander on the plain that lies on the brain, circling the center of the sphere, like a violent perigeum, tilting the world yellow, for within this bag it all sounds too mellow... Don't you think?"
"Creepers jeepers! how lovely you make this all sound, but you forget that under this bag, the rhymes sprout like taunt sometimes. I forget, I'm not a good poet"
"But you are! sometimes. you just have to try. If they still hang, the mangos will not dry. You see, I can, too!"
"It is not a nice day. How I miss my torogoz..."
"There, there, poet, not everything is grey. Arnold is in the other bag, maybe we can wake him up with a few pets."
"OR kicks! Let's try.."
"Yes! He is waking up. Hear him cry, you hit him right in the head! good job."
"Hmm, that doesn't sound like arnold.. he is voracious but.."
"NO! Don't shoot.. huh! how spacious.."
"There, there! No one is going to shoot you. You're in a bag and we are too. There's two of us. I am freckle and he is a poet."
"I! I see! Two in a bag? Why bags? Where's my telescope? I was looking at some fascinating moons... and the sun. There's water there you know!"
"Old things! There's this guy who saw the star splashing and the windows smashing"
"Sun?? It was me! ME... Not Kepler. That bastard. That fool, thinking the tides comes from the moon..."
"But it does! I am from El Salvador and I can give you my word. A word from Salvador"
"So you use tell-escopes!"
"I do, and I had never heard of Salvador."
"Neither have I! I think it is all a fairy tale, a green scorching land that only exists in the poet's wildest dreams, where buses go full and where the tides come from the ömoon."
"But! I come from there. You can find it on wikipedia, it is next to the sea, by some bay and there's a forest on top. Like a cherry on a fluffy cupcake. It is there, I kid you not!"
"Bah! Salvador or not. We are in this nut, tied around. Jot down! the sun rotates and makes a sound! we are the melody that spins to surround it. We will call this heliocentric... and sign it: Galileo"
"Ah, but you are the Galilei, what a pleasant bag to have by this heligeum. It is today! What a weird reason to tie, a man like galileo in this circus of gay men.."
"I was on my tellescope and I heard kalashnis bloat around the house, I had to come down because marina is with the children... and boom! I saw kepler yielding some weird ballesta... boom made the chord. And then all went caliginous, now here I am. "
"How fun! Kepler has won"
"The king will come! I'm sure.."
"The pope will not! for we will rot..."
"It is a wolf day, how I miss the sight of his butt, something not to be in that old fat mutt!"
"No dog fucks. Not today! hear that noise, that snigg, it is the wolf... he is sniffing our butts"
"He sounds really hungry, hear his stomach crunch.. I can feel where this is going. A bad feeling indeed!"
"I feel it too! will he... will he!...

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by Stratowarius » Fri May 18, 2012 12:37 pm

:lol: Gosh!

Freckle didn't understand why the poet suddenly talked to himself so poeticly. Galilei? Kepler? New friends?. But didn't he look feverish? His left eye was red and he stuttered something about a dogs third eye that released methane and torogoz. Had he got a toss of dengufever?

"You are sick", said Freckle, "We must leave this horrible place, and we must rescue the wolves. I feel responsible, since my careless father has wolf-pilled them both and I should have known better than have something going with the baker".

The poet looked at her with his red eye, "I think that they have got rabies and I am sure I have it too. I feel that I have to bite someone very soon".

"Nono. I don't think so, but you look rabieish and we can use that to go away".

She told the circus-manager, that she was sure that both her friend and the wolves had rabies, and that they must have serum immediately. "I really hope that you have that serum in store", she said, hoping they had not. "Or they will die, but first after they have infected the whole Micromoskowpockapoo".

"Huh, but no! We have no such serum. At all! So what can we do?" said the paleing and hypocondrial Kraschna-gangsta.

"Vojne, vojne, then you must give me an ambulance, so I can drive them to Helsinki. Give the fat wolf some big steaks and the other one onion-hash-muffins with tzazikisauce, as their maybe last meal and we are leaving then".

The gangsta hurried to fetch "the last meal" and an ambulance. But he didn't go near the wolves, so Freckle had to open the cage and let them out.

"Look rabiesish", she whispered, and they grrrred and spitted wildly, like they were in the last stage of the illness. People fled!

They entered the ambulance. But BUT! They didn't stop spitting and grrring and Freckle realized that she maybe had three rabiesinfected crazy, biting indivuduals in the ambulance heading for Finland...

And and...

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by GAGAGO » Sun May 20, 2012 6:15 am

Where is Pekka. Yes with me you said. But you do not tell us what he does. :?

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by Stratowarius » Mon May 21, 2012 11:05 am

:) OKEY, okey! Then I have to leave poor Freckle and the rabious-guys halfway to Finland and go back to Granada.


The Hawaiian governor Gary Copper, is maximally alarmed, over the goat-invasion on the island Granada, not far from Lanai. The situation has escalated and Copper has turned to president Obama for help. As a native Hawaiian, Obama also got worried and sent the hangar-ship US Constanca, that now has anchored in Pearl Harbor.

"But we are to big to go into Granada harbour, so we had to observe the activities from some distance, and the sight was really scary", says the captain Gary Grunt. "There are incredibly many goats there and they are swarming like bees. Their hive-cluster seems to be at the volcano-bottom".

"There have been talk about elimination with bumbs, but the President discourages that. The election is close and the animal-rights is very active. So we have to stand by".

All Granadians are evacuated, except a George B. Junior and his friend a Finnish farmer, Pekka Nurmi, that says to be some sort of goat-expert.

Captain Grunt seems very harassed, when he continues.

"The most alarming and strange things we saw at Granada, were goats that walked on their hindlegs and wore German war-helmets, on their horns. They seemed also to have boots and formed marching lines on the beaches".

"We tried to count them, but it was impossible, and we estimated their number to be over nine thousand".

Nine thousand goats on a relatively small island. Where do they all come from? What is the purpose of this? Is it after all, some 2012-prophetical apocalypse coming true? And are the goats the beginning of the end? Many questions and NO answers!

Yours truly Gary Pinn.

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by GAGAGO » Thu May 24, 2012 10:21 am

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Yes yes. Goats, goats everywhere. I hate the dirty animals but Pekka is happy. Kill those rabbiesbastards and come here. :x :x :lol: :lol:

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by Stratowarius » Fri May 25, 2012 11:40 am

:( Kill them? No, never! They are my Forum-friends and I love them! :)

Freckle looked at the three Rabies-guys, that now slept peacefully. Only small yaps could be heard from the wolves and the poet snored in El Salvadorian. Was this the last stage of the dangerous disease? She couldn't risk anything, so she put on the juiceblender and the alarmhorn, and went like a flash along the surprised Russian forrest-road.

She also called the hospital in Helsinki and they alerted the police, that met her at the border.

Two doctors in protective clothings came out with serum-syringas, highly elevated. They asked Freckle if she recommended killing of the two wolves.

"No,no, for heavens sake. The wolves are a baker from Seattle and a plummer from Leeds and the serum is more for precaution. I am not at all sure of the diagnose and we need to test them. They can very well have chlamydia-severe or some flu".

"WHAT! WHAT! A BAKER and a PLUMMER? WHAT are you talking about? How do you feel"?

"Jaja,I know it sounds science fiction and you can read all about it in Stratoforum. But in short, they have eaten wolf-pills".

"WOLFPILLS? What on Earth is that"?

"I haven't time to explain, (my lunch is almost over) so give them the serum and shut up"!

"But, if they only have chlamydia-severe, it is not rabies-serum they need"!

" Pffff, I just said, that the diagnose is uncertain, but we used it to get away from that damn Micromoskowpockapoo".

"WHAT? MICROMOSKOWPOCKAPOO??? You have been in MICROMOSKOWPOCKAPOO? HUH HUH! There came just a world-news-flash-alert about a big outbreak of rabies just there"

"But, but, they must have meant us...



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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by Stratowarius » Sat May 26, 2012 11:26 am


Swisch, swisch, flapp, flapp. A Nokia-copter landed and out jumped professor Öhubble. His hair was flying and he waved exuberantly.

"Eureca, eureca", he shouted. "I found it, I found it. The make-men-from-wolves-substance". And he rushed to the ambulance, with two big syringes, that he injected, simultaneously, in the two wolf-butts.

Boomkaboom! On the floor, suddenly there lay two very naked and embarrassed guys.

"Huuuuu! This is impossible. This is incredible"! said one of the docs. "I have never...

"Huh! What is this? You are not God. This is blasphemi", said the other that was a little religious, "Only Jesus have the right to make vine of water and you. you heathen makes men of wolves. It is outrageous..."

Here he fell on his knees and one could believe that he prayed to his maker, but it was his way of fainting.

The baker and the plummer (not plumber you ignorant fools) snatched some blankets and looked rather pathetic, since the transformation wasn't complete. They had still fucking wolfears and spots of wolfwool here and there.

"You will look great, later on. I think.", said Öhubble not very convincing.

"I wonna go home to Leeds and my plumming now",said Arnold Layne. "I hate to be a wolf and have to hunt living steaks. It was so humiliating and no fun. At all! I wanna go home and see Leeds United against Chelsea on Sunday."

"Jaja, me too. Not Leeds Uninated no, but my bakery in Seattle", said the baker. "I long for my hash-muffins. The hash here is like moss, uff, they have no hash-culture here. At all! Barbares

The Poet, that had been quiet for an unlikely long time looked at Freckle.

"This has been great fun, but my green birds and fuckdogs are in Salvador, so I have to go home too. I also have some poems to write..."

"But, but", said the not fainted doc. "How about the rabies-serum"?

"Sorry", said Freckle, " But I told you, I wasn't sure of the diagnose. They probably have chlamydia severe and I will give them antibiotics".

The Nokia-copter took them to the airport and Freckle waved goodbye to her neverending-friends.

"Thank you for the adventures. I have a paradise-island waiting. With some goats...

Is this the end of the Frecklestory? Yes I think so...

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by GAGAGO » Mon May 28, 2012 7:22 am

:lol: WOW! :luv1:

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by Stratowarius » Wed May 30, 2012 11:16 am

:) I don't give up. Nonono!

So Freckle has gone to Honolulu,
Where she is dressed like a Zulu.
With the goat-ring in her nose,
She must now only talk in prose,
And wears Hawaiian-clothe.

And we have to go on with a "new fresh Subject" without her. A rockopera would maybe be appropriate? And everyone can contribute. :) I will start here and now! :)

The overture must be 5 minutes of the middle-part of Saana and when the curtain goes up, we will see a lonely lady (she can be fat, if she is a good mezzo-soprano) with a little baby. (A doll! Not a real child, you ignorant fools. :roll: :roll: )

She sings!

OOOOoo! I'm a lonely mother! A looonely moooootheeerr!
And you the dusky father never booooootheeerrr.
I am a pooor moooootherrr,
And a grandmooootheeerrr...

In the background, stays a husky man with a dangerous look and a big black beard. He is playing a little drum! Now he comes forward and he sings with a great tenor.

"I am the fatheeeeeereeer to a baby and the moootheeerrer is not the moooooother to the mooootherer,
But I never boooootheererrr,
Since she is not the moooootheerer,
But only the grandmooootheererr.

He drums a sad song! Drumdrummelidrumdrum...

A choir of five ladies, in burkas, comes in. They look like charcoal-sacks! They sing!

"He is the faaaatheeerrr to the moootherers child and he never boooothers,
But she is the moootheeer, she iiiiis the moootheerr...

Now five big men stomp in. Five bases! They have high Froghats. :wink:

"We are the lawyers, ooooo, the lawyers, ööö. That will make some order in this vegetable-soup.Veritable veeegeeetableee souuuup...

Then all together in a mighty choir...

"Mooootheeerrs, moootheeers and a faaatheeer that now boooother
about the grandmoooother since he is her loooover.
The lovely grandmooootherr OOooooooo...

Hopefully this will be continued...

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by GAGAGO » Wed May 30, 2012 10:26 pm

:lol: I lööööve opera but can you not write a little about what Freckle is doing on Granada. The surfing and the diving. and other things. :) :)

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by Ilsekena » Wed May 30, 2012 11:14 pm

Act 2 or whatever it is..

… a single bare-bulb lamp left burning in the middle of the stage … The dark female shadow-figure with a town and Moon behind one appeares out of the mist.
One of her preferred forms is a white she wolf, but typically appears as a beautiful yet cruel woman of a race of "his" (husky fatto man's of course) choosing. Dressed in flowing, sheer black gowns. She is always seen with a trickle of blood on each corner of her mouth. She carries a “full” purse of coins and jewels that she wields as a mace, and walks with a staff, with a silver crescent moon on top.

The opening chords, passing to muted strings, hover in the air, seeking resolution. Two intertwining clarinets describe a still night and, when she-wolf-woman begins her song, the music finally settles into a balmy major key. The rocking accompaniment has folk-like sincerity and she-wolf’s equal four-bar phrases give her song an uncomplicated sheen.

Sun down on the sorry day
By nightlights the children pray
I know you´re probably getting ready for bed
Beautiful man get out of my head
I´m so tired of the same old crud
Sweet baby I need fresh blood
The moon shines on the autumn sky
Growing cold the leaves all die
I´m more alone than I´ve ever been
Help me out of the shape I´m in
After the fires before the flood
My sweet baby I need fresh blood
Whatever trepidation you may feel
In your heart you know it´s not real
In a moment of clarity
Some little act of charity
You gotta pull me out of this mud
Sweet baby I need fresh blood

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by Stratowarius » Thu May 31, 2012 7:48 am

Curtains! Appappraise-applauds! Now waiting for act two!
And I can have lunch with the others. And gossip! The latest one is about a guy here, that cut off his wifes LIPS an ATE them. It concerned his honour, since he thought, she had been unfaithful. Reality is worse than fiction! HUHUH :shock: :shock:

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by Ilsekena » Thu May 31, 2012 10:02 am

Great. Lets write some bizarre news here as well.
I just saw a vid of how cop kills naked man allegedly eating another man's face.

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by AAAAAAAAAA » Fri Jun 01, 2012 7:34 am

Ilsekena wrote:Great. Lets write some bizarre news here as well.
I just saw a vid of how cop kills naked man allegedly eating another man's face.
Fuck! I read that also!
Oh my god, talk about losing face... :puke:

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by Ilsekena » Fri Jun 01, 2012 7:57 am

Ilsekena wrote:Great. Lets write some bizarre news here as well.
I just saw a vid of how cop kills naked man allegedly eating another man's face.
Fuck! I read that also!
Oh my god, talk about losing face... :puke:
Is this worse than talking about cutting tts balls off?

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by Stratowarius » Fri Jun 01, 2012 12:23 pm

:) No lunch! No gossip! (The eating-lips-guy doesn't work here now. He is in an asylum! :roll: )

But opera-act three is coming on this theatre. Now!

One spotlight on a chair, in the middle of the scene. There sits a girl, with dark glasses, a white cane and a little baby in her arms. (same doll as before, you ignorants. :roll:)

From left sneaks the bearded tenor in, but he stays in the shadows, from where he sings.

"Back in Helsinki, where I once was in love with Chuchu-shine,
Yes it was her name, when she was mine,
Now I came back to see, if she is fine..."

The five ladies, in burkas, step forward and sing.

"But, but Chuchu-shine is now blind and got your baby-boy called Huhhuh-Whine.
Jaja, Huhhuh-Whine is his name,
And say no more, say no more, this is NOT the flame".

The blind mother sings her big aria!

"Today is the day, when I liked to see clear,
A tiny thread of truth could maybe appear,
Who is singing in the shadows here,
Oh my heart will bump in fear,
OOOOOooöööö. Who can it beee?
Who is singing now? I can not see,
I am blind and what can I say,
I lost my sight, the day he punched my eye,
Shall I run now or shall I stay,
My feet are stuck and I think I will bray,
If it is him I will stray in the hay".

Now the ladies in burkas and the five lawyers march in with drums.

"Swing, sing, swing, you mother with sting,
You are blind but blessed with a baby-thing"!

The girl! Again!

"Call me fool, call me stupid,
Bend my arms, kill this cupid,
I can feel he is back and suddenly I can SEE,
Yappie, yappie-ee,
I am free,
So sing with me, He is free, I can see, he is back,
And I have faith in his love-track
Right in his arms and embraces,
Softly kissing my earlier blind eye-lashes,
Got no right at all to doubt it,
Ain't no doubts, no doubts about it,
My eyes can see and I will pray,
That my Honky-Tonk now will stay".


Wipe your tears from now seeing eyes, Chuchu,
And have no fears for little Huhu,
His father is now back to youuu,
To youuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

Curtain down. Standing ovations!

Edit: This neverendingstory has nothing to do with the realitydrama going on in another part of the Forum, even if small infants are involved in both cases. :roll: :roll:

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by GAGAGO » Fri Jun 01, 2012 10:52 pm

:lol: :lol: Applaudes, applaudes from me too. I wish I could have seen that performance. This Chuchu-shine with her son Huhu-Whine. :lol: :lol:

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by Ilsekena » Fri Jun 01, 2012 11:02 pm

They will be back. Soon.
With tha little brother Cthulhu-Divine.
Just stay tuned.

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by GAGAGO » Fri Jun 01, 2012 11:04 pm

:) Hope Freckle is there then too. :evil:

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by Ilsekena » Fri Jun 01, 2012 11:08 pm

GAGAGO wrote::) Hope Freckle is there then too. :evil:
How on Earth can she be here when she is there with you. IN GRANADA

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by GAGAGO » Sat Jun 02, 2012 7:42 am

:lol: :lol: :lol: Suck on that bonbon it is so good. . :lol: :lol:

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by Ilsekena » Sat Jun 02, 2012 10:19 am

Jaja, we hope GAGAGO spends a great time with Freckle.. in Granada of course, you idiots.

In the meantime we're transferring from a lonely weeping mother-grandmother to a dark laboratory in another dimension far far away. (of course that is nothing more than just stage illusions you ignorants) where...

....A Bunch of weird cloned-like-looking watching dogs wraped in foil are standing at the entrance to a secret hiding place.

They rawwwrringly howl:

When we hunt, we kill!
No one is safe!
Nothing is sacred!
We are Blackwatch!
We are the last line of defense!
We will burn our own to hold the red line; it is the last line to ever hold!

When we hunt, we kill! No one is safe! Nothing is sacred! We will burn our own to hold the line! It's the last line to ever hold! We are Blackwatch! We are the last line of defense!
Suddenly a weird-scientist- Master's voice is coming from tha curtained part of stage, it sounded strange, slightly distant, as if spoken through a barrier of some sort:

Nothing crosses the red line! Not civilians! Not infected! Not women or children! Not even fucking dogs! Anything tries, you burn it! Then you shoot it! Then you burn it again!
And it tastes just like Red Bull... Which is disgusting!

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by GAGAGO » Sat Jun 02, 2012 9:19 pm

:x What? I gave you a bonbon to suck and you use the most plebeian phrases in your response. Are you the same girl that snobbed me for using the word "girlie". How, how. People tend to lose their bleak polish when something not suites them. :roll: :roll:

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by Ilsekena » Sat Jun 02, 2012 10:39 pm

GAGAGO wrote::x What? I gave you a bonbon to suck and you use the most plebeian phrases in your response. Are you the same girl that snobbed me for using the word "girlie". How, how. People tend to lose their bleak polish when something not suites them. :roll: :roll:
Really??Im sorry then im gonna edit it now.. But I dont like lolipops. :( At all!!

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by GAGAGO » Sun Jun 03, 2012 4:34 am

Ja Really. And you can maybe edit it away from your post but I REMEMBER and that colors my view.

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by IngerFjola » Sun Jun 03, 2012 6:05 am

GAGAGO wrote:Ja Really. And you can maybe edit it away from your post but I REMEMBER and that colors my view.
You must be colorblind. There is no milk!!! Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by GAGAGO » Mon Jun 04, 2012 1:28 am

:roll: Is THAT an argument ? In Estonia? HUH! :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

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