Neverending Story [Game]

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by ÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖ » Fri Mar 15, 2013 3:14 pm


There came a deafening UUUIIIBZZZUUUIII from the hive, and it shook and stirred them all, deep in their prehistoric souls.

"I have never heard anything so scary", said Moco, "We don't have such bees in Germany, not even on video, and what is going on"?

"Who the hell knows", said, the also alarmed, Gary P. "Those Monsts have surprised us, more than once, and we can't be sure, that they are still friendly".

Through the windows they could see, how the sky darkened, like in an eclipse, and there were bee-striped bigbig bee-bats all over. They hummed and summed everywhere! In the middle of the bee-bat-swarm was the Non-wrinkled, and gosh how he had grown. He was huge and looked as an enormous bee-bat-queen. He waved his antennas and gazed into the farms windows, with his now thousand faceted-eyes.

"They must be hundreds and hundreds", said Freckle, with a shiver. "All those eggs the Non-wrinkled laid, must be hatched now, and they are looking for a new hive"!

"But they can never find a so big hive", said Öhubble," And what about the super-honey, that should make us wild and horny? Those Monsts are hardly interested in pollen. They must eat animals. Big animals...

"Big as humans"? said Moco. "What can we do"?

"We must close doors and windows and lock them well! Now"! said Gary P.

"The chimney, the chimney",exclaimed Freckle, and ran to the large fireplace.

But, but, a little too late. On the floor crawled four very big bee-bats, with insensible and hungry expressions, in their cold and scary bee-bat-faces...

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by ÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖ » Fri Mar 22, 2013 3:28 pm

:( Since no one else gives a fuck about what is happening on the Russian border, I have to go on with this contemporary history...

The four bee-bats ran, very fast, on their hairy, spindly legs, towards Moco, that was paralyzed. BZZZZIIIBZZZ was heard from the four wide open teeth- full mouths and all their black facet-eyes glistened, in expectation, under heavy batlids.

"Help, help,they are going to eat me" Moco was frozen stiff.

"No No, they are not", Gary P stormed over the floor and with his big alienfeet he stomped and trampled the howling creatures, to wet spots.

The chimney was now closed, but all those, that were stuck in there, understood what had happened to their comrades, so they started to sing a sad requiem. Soon all the others outside fell in and it was a mighty choir.

"It must be a bee-bat funeral anthem", said Öhubble. "Listen to how the non-wrinkled bee-bat-queen leads with his baritone"!

They found no words to describe the big bee-bat funeral-manifestation, for the four alienstamped wet spots on the floor. It was a triplehuh!

"We must leave before they have finished the rituals", said GaryP. Let us beam to Granada were it all began".

"Jaja, said Gagago."I would like to go home but I hope without freckled girls. I hate freckles"!

"PFFFFF..." said Öhubble. Are you, spoiled Hawaiibrat, speaking about my daughter, will I suggest, that you keep your mouth shut. She comes with me, and you can stay here if you want..."

Gagago looked sour, but he understood that he must accept the irritating freckled thing, if he wasn't to end up as the bee-bats nomnomnom.

So they all went to the bubble and swisch swosch, they landed on Granada...

But, but...what was that on the beach...

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by GAGAGO » Thu Apr 04, 2013 4:36 am

:x :x NOT FAIR

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by ÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖ » Fri Apr 05, 2013 5:14 pm


Who was it that waved so frenetically, with a lot of arms and legs, there on the beach? A giant? Ja, of course, it must be. And it was! Gary Monst!

"Hi, there Gary", said Gary P. "How do you happen to be here? Again"?

"Oh, it became a bit too chaotic there on your farm, with all those strange creatures, so I beamed away to Granada, since it is sort of a home to me, and I am molecularly normal again"!

"Normal"? laughed Eternity, "Sorry mate, you are the least normal thing I know of, but I am glad that you are not one of those bee-bats".

"Ja, they were really scary, and they didn't even make super-honey", said Öhubble, now without Nobel-dreams.

"I am not so sure, that I would have liked to be wild and horny", said Eternity. "I will go home to Poland now, finish my book and try to forget all about porkkidicks".

"Who talks about porkkidicks"? It was Robo, the wrinkled, that just arrived in the Mercury-bubble he and Öhubble had constructed.

"Oh dear"! Öhubble was surprised. "That damn shit worked, after all. I thought we had put to much MHZ in the engine"!

Now they could hear a loud roaring, echo from the inner walls of the volcano (Sorry forgot the name) and Moco, who had a good hearing, looked scared.

"Huh, this sounds alarming. It must be a swarm of something big coming up from the crater. It is rising up, up... And look... look..."

A big cloud of yellow-striped big cats in a swarm! Tigers? Yes some sort! With wings! On a given signal they turned their black, bulbing eyes on the little group, on the beach.. A simultaneous roar! Grrrruvugrrr...was heard.

"Oh, it must be a new molecule-change. To the bubbles, to the bubbles", screamed Gary P. And they ran, as fast as they could.

But, but, Gary Monst was too big for Gary P's bubble and his own was a mile away...

And Robos Mercury-bubble looked strangely shrunken and had got a patinated MHZ-color...

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by Karlheinz Stockhausen » Tue Apr 09, 2013 11:24 am

Requiem for one baritone-voice and a mixed choir of Bee-Bats, heard at the Russian border, after the tragic death of four brave soldiers, in the Bee-Bat army.

You never lived to see,
What there would come for thee,
Your shining dreams of honey-tea,
In liberty, were not to be.

In all your strong, great bravery,
You will stay forever in our memory,
You four Alien-trampled spots,
Will stay alive as hero-dots.

In the fields of sacrifice,
You our heroes paid the price,
our brave Bee-Bats, that died for us,
Are now in Bee-Bats paradus.

We are with you, we are together,
We will stay with you forever,
In the glory of your deaths endeavor,
You can be sure we leave you never.

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by ÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖ » Sun Apr 14, 2013 11:22 am


The Mercury-bubble shrank even more and soon there was only a heap of gray MHZ-mass left.

"Just what I said all the time", muttered Öhubble. "Too much MHZ and it couldn't stabilize the cromoxid. You should have listened to me"!

"What? WHAT? But I said... And it was YOU that insisted on all that MHZ. You did! You did..."

"Me?? Never"!

"But you must help me now! My bubble is no more..."

"Sorry"! said Gary P."Our bubble is full, so..."

Gary P was just about to close, when Freckle jumped out. "I leave my place to you Robo. It was I, that took you in here, so it is my duty to save you".

And with that she pushed Robo, the wrinkled, into the bubble, just when Gary P started the beaming.

Swisch, swosch, they disappeared. To where? I have no idea! Can't know EVERYTHING!8)

The striped big cats stopped, in the air, with a bumkabum. Their prey wasn't there and a freckled girl and a big giant was not, what they had hoped for. They looked at the giant. Wasn't there something familiar over him?

"Mama Gary"?? said one of the striped.

"Ja, mama Gary, it is really you"? said another, and then they all started to hug and kiss, the a little surprised, Gary Monst.

"Huh, how you have changed"! said Gary M.

"Ja, ja, but you are the same", said the molekuled.

"Ja, I beamed with some of your siblings, just when the bumbs fell, and we went to China, where that scumbag, Not Wrinkled, enslaved us, to make milk for him. But suddenly we moleculed to invisible bees and a friend, called Moco, helped us to run away to Finland. Then the bees were Bee-Bats and I had to run again. But where have you been?"

"Oh, we were hiding in the Volcano all the time, and we moleculed also to Bee-Bats and now tigers"!

"Oh vojne, vojne! Then must all the Bee-Bats on the Russian border now be tigers...

HUUUUH Flying Hungry Tigers...

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by ÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖ » Mon Apr 22, 2013 2:08 pm


There were a lot of sad and pathetic Mähäs at Gary Nurmis goatfarm, close to the Russian border, but there was also another chilling frightful sound. The bee-bats had mutated and bee-stripes were now tiger-stripes. They had Monst-eyes, all around their heads and big stings, that they wagged threateningly, instead of tails. And they flapped their black bee-bat-wings. But the most scary, was the sound from the big holes, in their faces. Huh,huh! Something never heard before, in the entire Universe.


The poor goats were easy targets, but far from enough, especially for the former bee-queen, nonwrinkled Robo, now Tiger-Robo, that had eaten molecule-honey, and now was a big, flying tiger-elephant.

"More goats", he roared and led the 37 (roasted goatfilet) other animals over the border, to a farm in Tioostanka in Russia, where a farmer, Gary Garinow, just brought in his cows for milking, when the sky darkened.

Bomkabom! One after one, of the Russian red-white cows lost their color, in the mouths of the horrible monsters. The farmer ran for life, and managed to reach his house, where he called the police in nearest community, Craschnakows . But did they believe him? Of course not! :roll: :roll:

"Flying coweating tigerelephants?? Hahaha. That was a good one, tavaritj! You are a real joker, or have you gazed too deep in your vodka-distiller?? Hahahaha...

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by mocobhc » Mon Apr 22, 2013 7:33 pm

... in the same moment, the laughed-at flying tiger-elephant discovered the farmer's wodka-distiller. And the tiger-elephant was thirsty. Very thirsty. So were the, ehm, animals he had brought to the Russian border, and being a good Tiger-Robo as he thought he was, he poured all the 100 hl freshly distilled Russian Bilowstandard into the feeding trough. Everyone gathered around it and all of them, Tiger-Robo included, helped themselves...

... and many miles far away, two souls woke up by a terrible tremor in the force...

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by ÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖ » Wed Apr 24, 2013 11:59 am

:) Nice to have you on board again!

Far,far away, at the worlds end, two forsaken souls woke up to a thundering motorsound. They had slept on the Granadabeach surrounded by bee-tigers. It was a motoryacht, that approached land, and it was called CNN-NEWS. The tigers were also awakened, and jumped about, with open big mouths, in anticipation.Some yumyum-humans could do for breakfast.

The boat stopped!

A reporter, Gary Brave, alerted his boss. "You wouldn't believe me, if I only told you, so I start filming now. There are tigers on that island! Hundreds of tigers! And giants! And a sole girl!

"Ok", said his boss, "We will send direct"!

The News-anchor looked sceptical but followed order. "Breaking news, breaking news from our Hawaii-team. Come in Gary! What is up there"?

"Jaja, I am on a boat outside the K.B.N.D-bumbed island Granada and I would never dare to go closer. There are tigers! Everywhere! All the inhabitants were evacuated before the bumbing of the giant-aliens, but the monsters seem to have survived, and now there are terrible tigers too. And a girl! Who can she be? Freckled too! Huh"!

In the White House in Washington DC, Obama and Biden talked about a golftour, when the door flew open and the Secretary of Defence, Leon Panetta, rushed in.

"Now the fan has hit the shit"! He roared, "The damned aliens have taken Hawaii. Again! They are like cockroaches. We must bumb, so sign the order now! For Gods sake, be fast for once"!

He put on the TV and CNN.

"Gosh, gosh , gosh", said the three in chorus.

The tigers looked really scary in close-ups and one big beast crept up behind the freckled girl. His eyes were gazing at her, but she didn't see him and she waved at the boat.

Obama screamed,"Look up, you freckled idiot. He is going to eat you...

And the big tiger came closer, and closer...

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by Hubble86 » Sat Apr 27, 2013 11:57 am


The tiger threw himself over the girl, and should just start to chew on her, when something happened. His jaws didn't function as tiger-jaws and his mouth had a big insect-trunk. He started to buzzz loudly...

All tigers got the surprise of their life, when they looked at each other.

"What the heck IS this"? they screamed. "Where are all our sharp teeth, and what on earth is that for curious things in our mouths. Buzzz"?

Gary Monst looked at his children. "I am so sorry, but Mama doesn't understand a thing. You change all the time, and it must depend on those bumbs they threw at us. We came here as friends and they did that to us. I think we have to pay back now".

Obama and Biden were flabbergasted, but Panetta knew what to do. "Bumb, bumb, haven't you seen enough. Bumb for heavens sake"!

"I am not so sure it helps", said Obama. You have already threwn two of that new bumbsort, and the aliens survived and even got scarier. I think we have to negotiate".

"Gosh, how stupid can a president bee"? (ja, he really used two e's :roll: )

But now the scenery on the island changed. Again! And the "things" left the ground on much, much bigger wings. They looked like bumbers and they left in a combat-formation.

"Huhhuh, God Heavens Lord", said Biden, "What will happen now, Maybe they will swamp Hawaii in bee-tiger-shit or something even worse...

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by ÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖ » Thu May 02, 2013 11:38 am

Meanwhile in Russia...

On the farm in Tioostanka, Gary Garinow, through his windows, could see how the tigers drank all his newly distilled vodka, in big gulps. His face reddened in furious anger, his teeth gnashed and he screamed.

"Damn communista-swine-tigers. May the devil roast you in hell..."(#63)

But the tigers only laughed, their drunken alienlaughs and lullsang a saaanasong. They were after all a musical bunch. Oh! :?

Listen to what you are told,
We are warriors so bold,
And we have big hearts of gold,
Purity is in our soul,
Warriors of Light unfold,
Tiger-Warriors, with hearts of gold...

They staggered happily around the farmyard, but suddenly they started to change, just as their siblings in Granada. They were big "things", with insect-heads, tiger-bodies and bomberwings.

Screaming, drunkenlaughing and singing, they left the farm in Tioostanka, in combat-formations. To where? Who knows:? Maybe to a place close to you...

And now we have two groups of molecular-manipulated aliens flying around...


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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by GAGAGO » Fri May 03, 2013 10:45 am

Have I understood this right? The evil aliens have gone but Freckle is still on Granada? Can I move back now? :lol:

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by Hubble86 » Mon May 13, 2013 12:57 pm

Meanwhile in the White House in US.

The three Americans gazed at CNN-news, with big eyes, but different feelings. Obama was grateful over, that he didn't have to pretend, he had the situation under control. HAHA! No more elections! And no more national bullshit-talk. Those Aliens on Hawaii were after all interesting. He had heard rumors about a Finnish goatfarmeralien, but never really believed them. This Russian cows, that now seemed to have developed to bee-tigers, could hardly be some republican propaganda, and that meant it was a world-problem and not only his.

Panetta counted, in his mind, how many bumbers he could send, without protests from the Congress. And could he get that muttonhead to use A-bumbs. Of course not, on the damn presidentloved Hawaii. :roll: :roll: Napalm then, since those worthless KBND-bumbs only made things worse.

Biden thought about what would happen, if Obama went to Hawaii and got eaten by aliens. Then HE, Joe Biden, would be President of the USA, and that would his wife Jill like. Maybe he could suggest, that President Obama's place was in the center of events, to support his subjects... :wink:

On the TV Gary Brave nagged on. The Bee-Tigers had disappeared in the sky, but the giant and the freckled girl were still at the beach. Did he dare to go closer and get an interview with them. It would be a feather in his CNN-hat...

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by Stratowarius » Fri May 17, 2013 11:17 am

Meanwhile at the Royal Palace. :)

When they came to clean up the mess at the Royal Palace, they heard someone under a bench crying,"Priapus, Priapus, help!" They chopped through the stiffened mucus and found...a woman!!

"Huh! How come a woman is buried, here in the stiffened mucus?" said one of the fag-choppers.

"Oh dear, that is what the eunuchs did thousand years ago. They thought that the women were ghouls, and that it was their job, (the eunuch's of course! Huh!) to put suffocating mucus over them. From mucus you comet, to mucus you shall be, they used to chant."

"Butt, butt, why is she crying for that appalling Priapus ?"

"In those days that guy was like a rockstar and he used to bless women, just as they (the rockstars of course! Huh!) do now."

"Butt, butt,could he really play the guitarra?"

"Haha! Maybe not, butt he had other assets you know!"

Now there were heard screams from the stiffened mucus, under the many benches in the Royal Palace. "Priapus, Priapus, help, help us blessed!"

The two digging cowards were scared to death, and ran, as fast as their little fag-legs (great word FAGLEGS) could carry them out from the Royal Palace.

"Help, help, Hercules, we have found Priapus buried groupies...
:cry: :cry: :cry: :roll:

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by mocobhc » Sun May 19, 2013 2:49 pm

Someone was having quite a hard time! The girl I'm speaking of is well known to you gentle readers, and what had happened (why do I always have problems with this word and tend to write "happenend" instead of "happened"?) to her recently you all could only imagine. But now I finally may tell you wether your ideas were right or not! Where to begin...

Let's start with darkness (again). It seemed to last forever, and the girl couldn't tell how long this darkness had really lasted - to her it had felt like having spent months in there, but after all one is losing his or her sense of time pretty soon when being all alone in nothing else than darkness, with no other company or distraction than one's self. Anyway, this story would be a boring one if this situation would last forever, so to your relief I can tell you that after some or other time, the girl saw a coloured dot.

A coloured dot, I know you're all thinking right now, what on earth is a coloured dot? Well, dear readers, nothing else than a dot in a certain colour, and in this special case the colour was cobalt-blue. It was very hard to notice in all that darkness, and during the first amount of time - if seconds, minutes or hours, I unfortunately am not able to confirm - the girl wasn't sure at all that the dot was really there! But she wanted to be sure that her eyes were still able to see properly, so the girl finally decided to get closer to the dot's direction. Soon she realised that the dot wasn't a dot. Not at all! It turned out to be a line instead, a cobalt-blue, thin line that seemed to vanish into darkness again.

The girl hesitated for a long while. Then she slowly reached out her hand and tried to touch the line. As soon as she touched it, a picture appeared in her mind, a picture of stylized bees and honey and a big factory! She immediately stopped touching the line, and the picture was gone. She tried again, and the picture came back! The scenery seemed slightly familiar to her, but she didn't get to any conclusion what to do with it. So finally, she decided to follow the line, still not sure if her eyes were betraying her or not - but having nothing better to do, she thought it's all the same anyway!

She followed and followed, and after some time another line came in sight. Not a cobalt-blue one, but a charming green one, and it seemed to cross the cobalt-blue line the girl was currently following. She decided to touch the green line as well. Another picture came up, but very different than to what she had expected! Seemed like the current US president was watching TV news there? What on earth was that meant to tell her? She didn't know, it didn't make any sense to her. After spending another amount of time (I'm not able to confirm how long it actually lasted) thinking about what to do next, she decided to continue following the cobalt-blue line, just because the picture she had seen there felt somehow familiar to her, whereas the green one didn't tell her anything at that moment.

The green line crossed her cobalt-blue one a few other times while she followed it, always showing her the same picture, until she came to a point with another coloured line crossing both the green and the cobalt-blue one - it was red, if you want to know! Now, what picture will come up there? The girl I'm telling you about was wondering the same, and to cut a long story short, she saw some very weird-looking women who acted like groupies! The girl couldn't make anything out of that either and couldn't find out who they chanted for, and was really confused about what she saw, so she quickly removed her hand.

After a few steps more, she saw something like a big ball of wool getting closer. And bigger. And bigger. And even bigger! And by coming closer, she realised that the ball was actually made of hundreds of differently coloured lines, entangled into each other, crossing each other, labyrinthing (I guess this isn't a word, but my dear readers will forgive me failing to describe the impression the girl had) into a big multicoloured ball. Coloured lines coming from everywhere, muddling into pure chaos and not seeming to end anywhere soon. It was an overwhelming sight! But also a depressing one - how should the girl be able to follow her cobalt-blue line through this thick, cramped jungle? And there were other blue lines as well, some easily to tell apart from her cobalt-blue one, some not. And every time she touched another colour, another picture came into her mind, full of alienated-looking animals, large countrysides, buildings, cities, sandshores, islands, bubbles, and so on and so on. What a big mess! The girl was upset, how should she ever find her way? Every line told a small story, but in the end they all seemed to merge into a big, chaotic inner core which seemed impossible to cross without getting lost in the whole bunch! And even worse, she wasn't even sure what her way exactly was - because she wasn't sure where she had got lost, either!

The girl hesitated, thinking about her options. Of course she could follow the cobalt-blue honey-bee-line back to where she had started - but all what was awaiting her there was darkness! And she had made such a long way already... and following the green line didn't seem to end somewhere else than in that big, intransparent ball of colours as well. Easy decision then... She gathered up all her guts and carefully started following the cobalt-blue line into the depth of chaos...

And that's pretty much all I know what happened to the girl during the last weeks, unfortunately I can't tell you anything else because she hasn't returned from the colourchaosballcore yet. I hope she won't get lost there forever! With luck, she has found out by now that the coloured lines are actually building only one single, endless line, slowly changing its colour just like a rainbow, and that all she has to do is find the right time to get out again, not the right line. Anyway, I'll keep you updated if I hear from her again - so long, my dear readers!

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by ÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖ » Sun May 19, 2013 5:53 pm

:shock: :shock: Huh, so scary! I have known it for some time. She is molecular-manipulated and wanders in the blue-green-red shadow of the valley of death? Doesn't she? :shock: :shock: :shock:

Her eyes see different colors and she sums up her poor life. And she is maybe looking for the absent Salvadorian poet, with the greenbirds...huhhuhhuh...and her friend Moco that disappeared with Gary P Nurmi...the goatfarmer and alien allergic to sushi...

Vojne, vojne, how will this end :roll: :? :? :?

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by mocobhc » Mon May 20, 2013 7:57 pm

The girl has found some of the friends mentioned above by now, but that made things even more complicated for her...
But let's start from the beginning! After pushing herself together and entering the core, the girl stopped again just after one step. She was surprised as can be. She had expected everything, but not such beauty among chaos... the coloured lines seemed to follow their very own directions, gently touching each other at one point and knotting into a close ball at another, building the most interesting shapes and figures, dancing around her, glowing in the dark like a nighttime sky full of coloured stars, waving her to come closer and have a look inside... It felt like falling into a thick, soft pillow of colours. From one moment to the other, the girl knew it. She knew that she would find a way, the way that was built for her, and no matter how many sidesteps she would have to take, she would somehow be able to return to her own way and to her own direction. She recollected her self-confidence and positive way of thinking we got to love so much about her, started to smile and touched the first line that came into her sight (it was orange, if anybody cares).

The poet was there, somewhere in a room she knew she had seen herself before, but she didn't recognize the situation. But she didn't care, being happy beyond words to finally see a beloved face! And with this intense feeling, she suddenly found herself in the same room as the poet! She was really there, she could turn around to have a look into the other corner of the room and even walk around! She ran towards the poet, screamed out his name and hugged him... But all that happened was that her arms went through the poet like fog... and not a single tone came out of her mouth, as loud as she tried to scream! She was like a ghost... Fear found a way into her heart and forced her out of the picture, back into the glowing dark. She tried again, but no matter how much effort she put into her screams or hugs, it didn't seem to have an effect on the poet, he didn't notice her at all. How cruel! She desperately returned back to the glowing dark. Without really knowing what to do, she touched another coloured line with her arm and saw her father in his lab.

Again, her heart was flooded by feelings of happiness and love, and again she found herself in said lab, right beneath her father. Oh, how she wished to be able to touch him, a wish stronger than anything she had ever wished or wanted before, stronger than any other desire she ever had in her life. She hugged him.

The shock for her father was very intense and nearly caused a heart attack, but still being a scientist from head to toe, he recovered very soon and quickly found himself analysing his daughter and what had happened to her. The results were interesting, to say the least, because the fact that the girl had been able to hug him and thus finding a way to completely materialise didn't seem to be of long continuance - they had to take three efforts, and it became harder and harder for the girl to copy the strong desire and strong feelings to materialise in the picture. But they managed to find out that every materialisation lasted for half an hour, that the girl didn't have any physical problems whatsoever, and that everything she moved or touched in the lab somehow rearranged itself into the former state of being when she disappeared after said time. They also found out that the girl knew about events her father didn't know about, although they both had been there together - and a look at current newspaper gave them the last assurance. Lost in time! And not able to change a single bit of what had happened, at least not for a long duration... if not with words, but the girl soon had to find out that pretty much everyone except her scientist-father seemed to suppose they had either drunk too much alcohol, something bad to eat or lacked sleep, or all the three together, when she appeared out of nowhere trying to explain why she was here and what had happened to her and what she intended to do. Things got worse when she found out that her strength limited her to only two or three times of materialising before having to rest for a very long time back in the glowing dark - and there was no use trying to return into said picture again because people only seemed to remember up to three visits from her, but couldn't remember her appearances at all after she had been having her rest. Not even her father seemed to remember her former appearances. Damn tricky! Now she had to be very careful in which pictures she wanted to appear and check where and when the picture took place! Of course she had easy game with pictures her father was in because he believed her explanations a lot sooner than the others did, but his help was limited. "You will find your way", he very often said to his daughter when kissing her goodbye, "you will somehow know the picture when you see it, I'm sure of that. Just listen to your heart!"

And so the girl wandered on through the coloured maze of time...

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by ÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖ » Mon May 20, 2013 11:34 pm


Meanwhile in Shadowland.

She had to accept it! She was dead and those figures, in the blue light, at the end of the valley, were waiting for her. They were smiling and she had a strong wish to go into their tunnel of colored light. But at the same time she wanted to go back to her father, and her pathetic little life.

She was a ghost! A spirit for some and nothing at all for others. Most of her friends couldn't see her, as her father did, since her frequency wasn't theirs. But she could go into their brains and their thoughts and she felt an huge alarm for her friend Moco.. She was in danger!

Moco drove in her car to work, when she suddenly experienced a strong need to stop. She felt sick. A chill in her arms and a pain in her legs forced her to brake. A thought of freckles came over her, and she couldn't understand why, but it wouldn't go away...

After some minutes she was okay and ready to drive again, when a big oil-truck thundered past her, in high speed. "It can never go well", she thought, and after a while she heard a big crash and saw how the sky was burning.

Fire-cars came blasting by, and she understood that she would have been involved, if she hadn't stopped, when she did. The oil-truck had collided with a queue of cars and many were killed.

Moco's thoughts of freckles came back again, and she found it very irritating...

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by mocobhc » Tue May 21, 2013 7:55 pm

... and after all help that can be done in such a dreadful situation was given, Moco gave a phone call to her freckled friend to tell her about how lucky she had been and how she had been thinking of freckles all the time. But an electronical voice told her that the person she wanted to talk to wasn't available! Moco called her other friends and asked about Freckle, usually at least one of them always knew what or where she was up to - but this time, no one knew about Freckle, she just seemed to have disappeared! But weirdly enough, everyone she called reported a similar experience like Moco's - a strong, sudden thought of freckles! Moco told Dr. Öhubble, the last person she called who could've known about Freckle's whereabouts, about this strange occasion, and Öhubble hesitated for a moment...

"Listen," he said, "I have to admit that a very strong thought about freckles came into my mind just some minutes ago, although I've been deep in a rather interesting research about dolphins! I really don't see anything freckle-related there which could have made my mind straggling away like this... A very remarkable event, I must say - and unfortunately I'm a bit concerned right now! Would you mind if I bubble all of you into my lab in five minutes? If my bubbles aren't able to transport my daughter to me, then she must be in real trouble... but then we at least have the opportunity to talk about our experiences and with that maybe we can find a clue where she might have gone to!" Moco agreed, and five minutes later all the friends bubbled into the doctor's lab - except the missed Freckle...

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by Hubble86 » Wed May 22, 2013 8:12 am

:cry: RIP Freckle. :cry:

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by Hubble86 » Fri May 24, 2013 12:16 pm


Ja,ja, I have RIP-ed my daughter and that was a sad neverending for her. But she was far too adventurous and that Granada-island is damned dangerous. Gagago and CNN are searching for her, as we speak. And for that Cow-giant, that also has disappeared.

But life has to go on, and my dolphins need me. I have constructed a dolphin-typewriter, that they maneuver with their noses, but they have seldom anything interesting to say. It's mostly trivialities, about the weather and their food. They are often discontented with the herring-quality, since they find them thin or a bit old. Almost the same whining every day.

They also have problems with their youngsters, that are rebellious and start riots. We have to put them in special-cages, where they can let of the steam on each other. It is really fun to lock at. Haha!

I have bubbled home Freckles friends. They have all had freckle-feelings, and we concluded, that she now must be a free spirit...

But as I just said, life must go on...

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by Stratowarius » Thu May 30, 2013 11:54 am

:) Meanwhile, at an Uni-Hospital...

Patient coming in, with very low blood-pressure,
pale and bleeding, from a wound in stomach.

"Ja, maybe, but very peculiar. Seems to have been
done from inside!"
"Huh! Inside!:? :?"
"Ja, bladder is out! :roll:"
"Bladder is out? :? :?"
"Ja,ja, Maybe some illegal transplant"
"But, who wants a bladder?"
"No idea, but it's gone!"
"Gone? Bladder is gone? :?"
"Ja, we have to make a temporary,
or we lose him! Urine is leaking everywhere.
Come on,we can try a plastic- bag."
"I have one from the grocery-store!"
"Fine! It will do, till we can get a pig-bladder,
from the slaughterhouse."
"Jaja, I contact them at once and we can have a substitute in an hour!"
"Great! Then we can have some coffee. I need
to ponder over, where the heck that bladder
has gone, and how he came loose!"
"Maybe he is at "My nicest"."
"Jaja, that is a possibility...

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by mocobhc » Thu May 30, 2013 6:53 pm

Seems that even Dr. Öhubble has given up hopes... I'd have thought he should be the one not to give up until he has found a way to rescue his daughter!! But either I'm doing him wrong, or he resigned too...


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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by Hubble86 » Fri May 31, 2013 12:31 pm

:? Please don't talk so loud! I'm not deaf and can still hear Getz's high notes.

My daughter,ja! She is a freckled disaster, and you shouldn't look down on me as a father,if you had known about all the problems I had to endure under the years. With horny Chines's, Seattle-mossmuffbakers, poets and whatever scoundrels she has exposed me to. Dolphins are much easier to handle.

Now Gary Nurmi, allergic to fish and dolphins, by the way, is here and take care of my experimentanimals, so I can at last beam to Granada and search for the freckled and the giant,in the mighty jungle. But I trust the CNN-Garys and Gagago. We will find her, dead or alive, and I will tell you a.s.s.p.

Look up for oil-trucks...

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by mocobhc » Sun Jun 02, 2013 6:08 pm

I have visited Gary Nurmi and the dolphins in Dr. Öhubbles lab yesterday. Must say it was strange to walk around there without the doctor explaining all the weird stuff lying and standing around... but well. The machine which translates the dolphins' talk was very interesting, although their talk wasn't. But I think the machine must have been fallen into the water or something, or the dolphins have serious brain issues - between the most boring talk about the fish quality, they tried to tell us that we should do something with one of the machines in Dr. Öhubbles lab to bring back Freckle. As if Gary or I know anything about these weird machines and would fumble around with them. At second thought, I guess Dr. Öhubble has talked with the dolphins about his missed daughter, maybe something of that talk is stuck in the dolphins' heads. Anyway, was nice to see Mr. Nurmi again. He's having one hell of a time taking care about the dolphins he's allergic to, haha, but at least he sticks to his friends and tries to do best as he can.
I really have to ask the doctor about that machine the dolphins were talking about, when he's back from Granada. I wonder what takes him so long...

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by Hubble86 » Mon Jun 03, 2013 7:09 am

:( Aber doch Moco! I have sad news for you! Freckle
isn't dead. But the reality is maybe worse. :cry:

She has moved to "My Nicest" and lives there with a GOAT-BLADDER! Yes, a GOAT-BLADDER!
I have no words for what I feel! I am silenced! My only daughter lives with a stinking GOAT-BADDER-BLADDER.

This must be the bitter, galling end of the Frecklesaga, so run Moco, run, the organs are taking over...

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by The Bladder » Mon Jun 03, 2013 8:12 am

You just don't understand my problems, as a lonely goat bladder. You are a mean spirited old man who treats me like a sack of piss. There is more to me. I have a heart, you know. Though that physiologically makes little sense, I suppose... :oops:

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by Hubble86 » Mon Jun 03, 2013 11:48 am


How much? How much will it cost me, to get rid
of you? To get you to leave my daughter?

I am prepared to pay a considerable sum.

Think of what you could do, with a lot of money!
Travel around the world. Buy expensive clothes
and so on...

And I will of course not tell Freckle, if we can
come to an agreement. Word of honor!

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by Hubble86 » Tue Jun 04, 2013 12:14 pm

:) Here is my mail-exchange with the Bladder.

Me: Are you, Mr Bladder, interested in an economical

Bladder: Of course! Who isn't?

Me: Sorry, I thought you were the more metaphysical
type. Also! Could you leave my daughter for a
suitable sum?

Bladder: Jaja, for heavens sake. I am already tired of sleeping in a doll-bed!
:roll: :roll: :roll: And all that bathing! Huh!

Me: So what about 100 dollar?

Bladder: Hrm, Hrm, I can maybe get more here, but
Put it in an envelope and send it to Mr Bladder My Nicest...

Happy Me: At once sire, at once! And you will be out of there today?

Blabber: Jaja! As soon as I got the money.

Another sad Frecklestory! :cry:
They seem to Neverend...

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by The Bladder » Wed Jun 05, 2013 7:46 am

Bah, what nonsense. I, a simple bladder, can not survive without my caregiver. I emphatically refuse your offer. Freckle and I will go travelling around the world experiencing the wonders of creation, and she has promised to knit me many polka dot dresses, read me stories and feed me moss muffins. Pffff...t!

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