Most nicest poster

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Who is the nicest poster (past/present) on Stratoforum?

Mormegil (He is fabulous <3)
NeonVomit (Fine young man who keeps making interesting polls and not staring any troubles at all)
browneyedgirl (This forum wouldn't be the same without her)
miditek (The world IS about to be taken over by Communist Nazi Muslims)
Ragehead91 (Where would we get our info of Masterplan if it wasn't for him. Blabbermouth? Bleh...)
icecab21 (Notable contributor to this forum)
RazielSR (Notable contributor to this forum)
Irinia (Isn't she the first Norwegian user we've ever had? I think that deserves a nomination)
rikkertje (Isn't she the first Dutch user we've ever had? I think that deserves a nomination)
Morgana (The Eurasian Ministry of Racial and Gender Equality, which I didn't just make up, demands that I must include at least one ethnic Russian here. Also another notable contributor)
hiro23 (A true gentleman, who never says a bad thing about anyone)
StratoTimo (Has never made one post while being sober. An accomplisment we can all look up to.)
Beast_Pete (true Stratoforum-veteran)
Babylon (true Stratoforum-veteran)
Stealth (true Stratoforum-veteran. Also because AWESOM-O was like, one of the funniest South Park episodes ever.)
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Total votes: 94

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Re: Most nicest poster

Post by Krigo » Fri Mar 23, 2012 8:06 am

brought2ubyletterC wrote:I vote me, because no one else would. ;)
I'll vote you as well. There's no real reason for me to vote me. I haven't exactly contributed enough to the forum and I feel like I could've contributed more nice things. :P

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Re: Most nicest poster

Post by brought2ubyletterC » Fri Mar 23, 2012 9:44 am

LOL thanks, although I haven't contributed much as of late. :lol:

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Re: Most nicest poster

Post by Ilsekena » Fri Mar 23, 2012 7:50 pm

I would vote for Timo Tolkki and all of his aliases. He's indeed the most "nicest" poster on this board. The only person who created 24 accounts just to bash and humiliate other people + some criminal actions. The best fucking fun-fun I have ever seen and experienced!

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Re: Most nicest poster

Post by GAGAGO » Fri Mar 23, 2012 8:12 pm

:lol: :lol: You are so right my dear and you are one to know how terrible he is. Bah what a horrible person! Why is he not behind bars?
I would have called the police or given him a punch on his snotty nose!. :cry:

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Re: Most nicest poster

Post by HinatAArcticA » Sat Mar 24, 2012 1:47 am

Make a new thread
This looks so 2008
No need to feel so afraid, colors last a lifetime and fade to gray...
Tony Kakko

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Re: Most nicest poster

Post by Stratowarius » Sat Mar 24, 2012 11:40 am

Seattle Times

What is happening in our mountains ?

"This is a new era in our explorations", said chief-astronaut Solis Spasex. The psychological springstress associated with our search for interstellar life, has increased the last month.

Our next Atrex mission, ( Mon Mars 26) will hopefully show us if our new teories are right. It was a pure coincidence, that we first suspected, that something happened in Ovens valley, and on a place close to the Russian border in Finland. One of the live Googlesatellites, was out of order and exhibited those places at the WRONG time. AND it was a complete other picture, than we had expected.

What we earlier had seen, as a big group of goats, was now some sort of two-legged creatures with German helmets. :roll: :roll: And they marched! :roll:

We changed the coordinates and pop, ass soon ass we went back to the ordinary time the marching creatures were peacefully grassing goats. AGAIN!

We are now calculating and calculating, but understand NOTHING. The Exolotion in Oven-Valley was a big rebound, but I hope we can investigate those unknown mysterious places really soon. I can say no more now, so we come back when we we have an idea about, what all this really means.

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Re: Most nicest poster

Post by GAGAGO » Sun Mar 25, 2012 7:19 am

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I have never believed in UFO's and Aliens but now...

:shock: :shock: :shock: creepy!

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Re: Most nicest poster

Post by Stratowarius » Mon Mar 26, 2012 10:37 am

Chat Pekka and Strutt!

Str. Hi Pekka! Now I don't understand a thing. I did what you said, and bumbed the Oven, but Pekka, Pekka, it was our own people. :roll: :roll: And you have a lot to answer our President.

PF: No, not at all! I just say, that I had a toss of Bipolar just then. I have heard that it will excuse everything. Those goats were so irritating, especially the Alfa-goat. The stupid idea of making me king was nothing but a challenge. I am after all General-Commander and Goat-king is Pffffff.

Str. Jaja, but there must have been other ways than killing them. We had to beam up everything to the ship, with our sky-cleaner, to get all DNA and now we have to dump it on Saturnus, ass a new thin goat-ring. And what about that bloke on NASA that has gone to the press?

PF. Oh, you mean that silly Spasex? He knows, that he can't tell the truth, since it would be World-Wide-Web-Panic. But people are suspicious and a few are not out-blown eggs. They have seen your ship more than once, and those we brain-washed on NASA have got brain-waves of alien-memories, that scare the hell out of them. They are dreaming about marching goats in German helmets. You must do something.

Str. No bumb again? Huh!

PF. No, but some brainwashing-radiate beaming over Nasa. Again!

Str. Okey dokey!

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Re: Most nicest poster

Post by Stratowarius » Thu Mar 29, 2012 8:38 am

Seattle Times

What is happening in XXXXXXXXXXXX?

XXX from xxxxx. and x glowing xxxxxx xxx,xx


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Re: Most nicest poster

Post by Stratowarius » Thu Mar 29, 2012 10:26 am

Seattle Times

Extra! Extra! Breaking news! Breaking news!

What on xxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxx xx Wxxxxxxxxx xxx XXXX.

We xxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxxx xxx xxx xxxxx xxx xxx!!!!! :?: :?: :?: :?: :!: :!:

Xx xxxx xxxx x xxx xxxxxxxxx XXXX xxxxxx! ????

Xxxxx xxxx !!!!!

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Re: Most nicest poster

Post by Stratowarius » Fri Mar 30, 2012 12:35 pm


Editors Column

It has been an upset reader-storm, with angry aspects, on the latest days papers, and we have no explanation whatsoever. We are both astonished and scared and our head-typographer, swear on his grand-mothers honour, that the big black X's weren't there, when he started the press. SO WHO PUT THEM THERE?

We understand, that is has something to do with NASA and the exceptional things that occured there. An eyewitness, a sprinklerer from Maryland, told us that it came down a pony-pink gas from heaven, and that he also was a little affected, but that the most went into NASA.

Our reporter, Bob Pressley, that was on NASA for an interwview with astronaut Spasex, tells us, "I lost my memory a while and didn't know who I was, and since I used a tape-recorder we can follow the occation, minute by minute".

They were talking about aliens, when the pink fog came in.

Bob:" So you think it was aliens that bumbed Oven-valley.

Spasex: "Jaja! Of course, aliens, goataliens there...But, but, what on Earth is that pony-pink thing coming in everywhere? Help... I am Spasex... Spasex...Spasex from Chicago...Spasex"...

Bob: "And I am Bob... Bob... Bob.. from Seattle... I think.... Bob...Bob"...

So they went on for ten minutes and in the back-ground, one could hear other Nasaiter calling out names.( :roll: their own of course :roll: )

Suddenly there was total silence, in about five minutes. Then everyone started talking at the same time and Spasex answered Bobs question, as if nothing had happened.

"Aliens. Haha! Nono. Haha! They are fairy-tales from the movies, as Et, you know. Aliens? What an idea. Hahahaha!"

"I see! Jaja where did that idea come from? So absurd! Haha! Gosh what time has flown! I have stayed here too long. I must rush now. Where is the way out..."?

As I said before, neither we nor NASA understand what happened there, but the gas gave some blackout-phenomenon and post-traumatic stress, which has been established. How that will affect NASA's work in the future, noone knows...

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Re: Most nicest poster

Post by AGAG » Sun Apr 01, 2012 6:30 am

Exolotion :lol:

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Re: Most nicest poster

Post by Stratowarius » Tue Apr 03, 2012 1:07 pm

Seattle Times

Letter to editor

We have got more letters about aliens than we could wish for and here are some...

Anonymus wrote this.

I happen to know Area 51 the military base,and Roswell,but for decades the highest level of gouverment have denied it's existens. I can tell you that behind the barbed wirefences and surveillance cameras there are bigbig secrets.

If you can manage to go inside the most famous secret military base on Earth, you will expose the high-tech security and undercover-operations. And would you be surprised if there was a secret subterranean city underneath the desert?. At this place truth is stranger than fiction.

And is it not indisputable that this area had never, without crashed UFO, been able to produce the technology it has today, and who can explain all sorts of weird sightings there? So one can't blame people here in Seattle for wondering what really happened in Mounth Baker.

Obama said, after his visit in Roswell, "We are going to keep our secrets here". Wouldn't a president take a stronger step on dissolving government secrecy? We are many that had hoped Obama would have made some difference in the Alienquestion!


And Bobby U.

Why do they still treat Aliens in the condescending manner, thinking they can pass everything off with a little bit of humour. It is a big mistake. Arrrgggg!

Bobby U.

And at last UFO-Fan:

I have seen the most UFOs within the past year in Seattle harbour. Obama has confirmed that the official statement of goverment about the goats in Oven is not right and that there is a cover-up happening. But Obama can't tell us the truth about the place of his birth, much less about Aliens. Haha! What a joke!


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Re: Most nicest poster

Post by GAGAGO » Wed Apr 04, 2012 4:17 am

:lol: Pekka? Where is Pekka? :cry: :cry:

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Re: Most nicest poster

Post by AAAAAAAAAA » Wed Apr 04, 2012 7:58 am

I'm so sorry, I don't have any poemenergy these days. Curse the spring stresses... :cry:

But I appreciate the news snippets. :)

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Re: Most nicest poster

Post by ÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖ » Wed Apr 04, 2012 8:43 am

:) It is SO OK, you don't need to write poems every day. :wink: I am happy that you are not in Phallus, in Texas, just now. All the windows in Onkels ranch are out, in the big tornado. (Can it be Arnold Orcan?) So stay where you are. :luv1:

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Re: Most nicest poster

Post by Stratowarius » Wed Apr 04, 2012 11:23 am

North Dallas Gazette.

Tornados hit Phallus

Mother natures latest move in Phallus, hit ranchowner Jeremia Stanley. He told us.

"It was a hell of a blowing. All our windows have disappeared, to I don't know where, and the cows have run away to the hills. Even my dear A9 has gone with the wind. I think! I have seen them ternados come flying thru. They picked up my neighbours grey cat, flung it sideways. He walked funny for a while, then lit out for Gloryland. All the while I was listening to Billy Thorpe-Children of the son-amped up on mollies, so my remembry is only parts.

I'm going to have a nice shot of tequilla to calm me nerves. Soon I will be listening to "Gimme Three Steps".

There we left Mr Stanley with Stinky Pregnant Man (Pregnant Stinky Man ?) and the ranchruins. They will have a hell of a blow, before they have glass in all those windows again.

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Re: Most nicest poster

Post by GAGAGO » Thu Apr 05, 2012 7:25 am

:( We often have those storms on Granada. :cry: :cry:

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Re: Most nicest poster

Post by AAAAAAAAAA » Fri Apr 06, 2012 8:58 am

Too tired to produce an original work, so prepare for a blast from the past...

NEA's Sin
Originally by Stratowarius.
"Cover" by A10
Copyright 2010 - Living Poets Society
Caracas, Vuvuzuela, Phallustine, Texas, Antares. All but a speck of lint on Priapus' cock.


Your figure is faint within the fog,
But you can't hind behind your smog-
You bought a toad, you bought a hog,
A whining cat and sticky frog.

A slithering serpent, a surly shrew,
A mangled mutt with a bone to chew,
A prickly prawn, a proud parrot,
A fuzzy ferret who likes Keith Jarrot-

You took these slivering, shaking beasts,
Baptized them with Christian priests,
Then crammed them in a metal cage,
And you sat back to watch them rage.

Feathers were flying, fur was torn,
Mating occurred and mutants were born,
Part shrew, part frog, African Grey,
And that's just what came in today.

And you- you butchered these beasties with a blunt bar,
You snapped off their wings and threw them afar,
You stomped on their haunches, you pulled off each phallus,
And chewed off their feathers with intentions of malice... :shake:

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Re: Most nicest poster

Post by Stratowarius » Fri Apr 06, 2012 2:00 pm

Some limericks for our dearest sprinklerer. :luv1:

A Maryland-sprinklerer, called Nea,

Bought some strange animals from Korea,

There was a hog and a cat,

And a frog in high hat,

But that one had got gonorrea.

And the Maryland-sprinklerer called Nea,

Invited me on a nice cup of tea,

But his hog and his cat,

And his frog in high hat,

Had just got a stinking wet diarrhea.

But the Maryland sprinklerer called Nea,

Was careful enough with his area,

He had sprinkled his ceiling,

So the flooding water was concealing,

The shit that was full of ureatorrhea.

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Re: Most nicest poster

Post by Arnold Layne » Sun Apr 08, 2012 12:11 am

A man who occasionally borrowed clothes,
And smelled as sweet as a rose,
Showed great character and piety,
But was scorned by society,
For his big butt and snotty nose

Arnold Layne

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Re: Most nicest poster

Post by GAGAGO » Sun Apr 08, 2012 1:13 am

Those verses can make anyone mad. :x :x

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Re: Most nicest poster

Post by Stratowarius » Mon Apr 09, 2012 4:10 pm

Here you have words and no verses! :)

Pekkachat with Strutt.

Strutt: Hi there, Pekka! You seem to have lost it completely now. How could you let the bear eat one of the Universal-goats? And then dump him (the goat also) on the moon?

Pekka: Ja ja, I was a bit inattentiv there for a while. But that silly Alphagoat fell in love with that likewise silly poet and scared the hell of that poetwhimp. He (the whimp also) apperently prefers small dogs.

STR: The President is not content, to say the least, and you can expect a reprimand.

P: Jaja, as if I hadn't problems enough. The Rex-Goethe hates to be on the moon, and he is chasing the two real goats there. They can smell the tyrannosaurus and are running and bääing all over the Moon. It is a real circus and can be seen from Earth, in a normal home-telescope. I hope you will fetch Goethe and take him to Exsessa.

Str: Never in my life. He is a Dino-Pain in the ass and can stay on the Moon till he falls off. Noone in my crew will have him on the ship and he is impossible to beam alone.

P: I know, I know. He has grown to a normal Rex-size now, and gosh he must be hungry.

Str: This is your problem Pekka. You should never have put him on the Moon and I refuse to have anything to do with that misfit.

P. Jaja, I have to think out something. Vojne, vojne! There is nothing but Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter-stresses nowadays. HUUUU.

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Re: Most nicest poster

Post by GAGAGO » Wed Apr 11, 2012 2:18 am

Pekka, Pekka can we meet? I will help you best I can.

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Re: Most nicest poster

Post by Stratowarius » Wed Apr 11, 2012 11:44 am

Latest NASA Blog Updates

by Solis Spasex

What is happening on the Moon?

The last nights we have observed something we thought was absolute impossible. Earlier rumours have circulated that NASA made an experiment where we put a goatpopulation together with a rabies-infected man on the Moon.Something that of course is totally wrong and a SF-fantasy.

But now it seems as if reality has surpassed fantasy.

Two nights in a row astronomers all ower the world have reported activities on the Moon. They have seen two goats and one Tyrannosaurus Rex there. Yes you read right. One Tyrannosaurus Rex. And this huge prehistorical monster is hunting the two goats.

They are running crater up and crater down and in the last observation they were in Eddingtons crater. Our close-ups show two death-scared limping goats and a very purposeful Rex with at least 2000 teath that glistens, in the sunshine. We have pictures, but we don't dare to present them. But this is surely NOT A JOKE!

We are totally stunned and have so far no explanation, or ideas how to handle this. Someone said that a Finnish goatfarmer could be of some help, but I am very sceptical about that. This is something for us experts on NASA and a goatfarmer may know a lot about goats in general. But goats on the Moon is something much to advanced for such a person.

So we have to wait and see how this develops, and I am sorry to say, that I am not at all optimistic about those two goats destiny.

The Rex is howling. No, not to the Moon. ON THE MOON!

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Re: Most nicest poster

Post by AAAAAAAAAA » Thu Apr 12, 2012 8:32 am

Pfft. You better put that in poem format if you expect my readership. :roll:

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Re: Most nicest poster

Post by Stratowarius » Thu Apr 12, 2012 12:16 pm

:lol: PFFFF You wan't attention? Jaja! Here it comes!:wink:

More latest NASA blog update

By Solis Spasex

Huh on the MOON and huh on NASA.

One goat gone! And the staff on NASA in uproar! Heads will be rolling-and rocking! Who is responsible, and how could those goats be on the Moon in the first place? Is it a Russian endeavour? Or North-Korean?

Or is there some truth in the rumour about a secret mission, where a rabies-contaminated Finnish goatfarmer, who also had a very rare and dangerous were-wolf-virus ( what a great word) was taken to isolation as a precaution.

Noone seems to remember, but, a taciturn and rather red-lettered, Seattle-baker, has told us about a connection with an alien, under his bed where he brings up turkeys. But one can hardly believe a man, that is said to bake hash-muffins and probably is brain-damaged by the drug-steams. And since he also claims that this alien, that is allergic to sushi and high heights, should have jumped from the Moon and landed in Seattle. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

The situation on the Moon is, that the Rex is sleeping with one eye, and the last goat has run to the black side. We had to see the horrible and bloody Rex-slaughter of that unfortunate goat and we fear the next.

But, but, what will happen after that? Will the Rex jump? :roll: :shock:

And where will he land? :: :roll: :shock: :shock:

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Re: Most nicest poster

Post by AAAAAAAAAA » Thu Apr 12, 2012 6:20 pm

It is so true. The Russo-Finnish Fuck-King is under my bed as we speak, tickling my turkeys. They gaggle with ecstasy while I lie suffering on top, unable to get a wink of sleep. A cleverly hatched ruse to inhibit my cognitive functions during daytime and destroy poetic creativity. Its not right I tell you...! :shock:

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Re: Most nicest poster

Post by Stratowarius » Fri Apr 13, 2012 7:30 am

:) OK I made you a Moon-poem you can sing there on top and I am sure you will scare away both Pekka and the ugly ones.

That's Al Gore

When the Moon is a goatstay,
In an environsaving way,
That's Al Gore,
And when the Rex eats the goat,
Puts him in his big throat,
That's Al Gore.

When the goat seems to shine,
From mercury and brine,
That's Al Gore.

Bells will ring, ding a ding a dingadella,
And we all try to sing a song a capella,
The goats eat Moongrass, with all their fella,
And they dance in a gaygay and wild tarantella.

But when the bulbs make you drool,
Like an ignorant fool,
That's Al Gore,
When the phone then will ring, dinga ding dingapling,
That's Al Gore,
That will thank you once more,
For you bought his fool-bulbs blastaphore,
Yes it is Al Capone, yes it is our Al Gore.

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Re: Most nicest poster

Post by Goal Stockhausen » Fri Apr 13, 2012 11:16 am

:) I will just give a little report from us in Mödrath. Papa Karlheinz, brother Aberaber and little Arnold-Derrick (Derre as we call him) are all sehr gut. But something very tragic has happened. Derres father, the well-known Derrick Rose, that I met on just this forum, seems to NOT be the basketball-Rose.

I looked in his pass-port, which he always kept in a locked case, and there he had a complete other name. ORSON BROWN! Then I looked in Google, and huh, the Basket-Rose had no girlfriend or son in Germany, but one in Chicago and he didn't look as "my" Rose. At all.

Father is very upset and he wrote to forum-Rose. But no answer and it seems that he has disappeared from both this forum and Chicago.

He had a false Nick and was a scum-bag says my father, who suspected it all the time. When he was here last month he borrowed a big sum of money and stole four of fathers sonatas. :x :x

The world seems to be full of deceived mothers and it is a big, big shame. Of course I behaved like an ignorant fool, but now I am going to the police, yes! The GERMAN POLIZEI!! :x :x

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